First Lutheran is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America;As of December 31, 2020, there were 3.3 million baptized members in the ELCA. There were 8,900 congregations organized in 65 synods in nine geographic regions.
You will want to discover more about the ELCA because its witness in our country and around the world is filled with faithfulness and hope in Jesus Christ. The ELCA belongs to the Lutheran World Federation, as well as the World Council of Churches.
For more information on what we believe, as a denomination, click the ELCA logo above or choose a topic below.
Faith |
Ecumenical &
Inter-Religious Relations
Scriptures, Creeds, Confessions |
A living, daring confidence in God’s grace.
When Lutherans talk about faith, we are talking about the relationship God’s Holy Spirit creates with us. It’s a relationship where God’s promise of steadfast love and mercy in Jesus opens us to a life of bold trust in God and joyful, generous service to everyone we know and meet in daily life.
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The ELCA is committed to fostering unity among the children of God for the sake of the world. The ELCA Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Relations team is responsible for encouraging the activity of ecumenical and interreligious life in this church and enhancing the public commitments of this church in Lutheran, ecumenical and interfaith circles.
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A cradle that holds the infant Jesus. Baby blankets that clothe the newborn Christ. Lutherans often use these well-known metaphors from Martin Luther to describe the Christian Scriptures and their importance. These simple metaphors clearly and profoundly describe both what the Scriptures are and what is their purpose.
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