First Lutheran Church of Brainerd, MN

 Simply Giving

What Is Simply Giving?

     Simply Giving is a program endorsed by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, operated by Vanco Services, to help churches and other Lutheran organizations manage contributions more effectively. The program works by helping individuals better manage their contributions. First Lutheran is enrolled in this program, so those who sign up can support First Lutheran Church in an easy, hassle-free way.

How Does Simply Giving Work?

     Simply Giving is an electronic funds transfer (EFT) program in which your designated contribution to First Lutheran Church is automatically withdrawn from your bank account. It’s just like paying your electric bill through EFT. It’s free, and you determine how much and how often to give. Simply Giving automatically tracks your giving and reports this information monthly to the church, so your giving records will be accurate. It’s also easy to change your contribution amount and frequency of giving.

Why Should We Sign Up for Simply Giving?

     Simply Giving is so easy! It’s one more way to simplify our lives. A very important benefit of Simply Giving is that the program helps First Lutheran manage cash flow effectively all year long, especially during seasons of the year when worship attendance fluctuates, so that our congregational mission continues uninterrupted. Simply Giving is free to use and it costs the church pennies to participate.


How Do We Sign Up for Simply Giving?

     To participate in this simple and time-saving program, you can download the Simply Giving Individual Enrollment Form by clicking the picture below.