First Lutheran Church of Brainerd, MN

   Welcome to Sunday Morning Worship 



We worship on Sunday mornings using 4 diffrent styles of worship as described below.

Evangelical Lutheran Worship-This is the hymnal of the ELCA and includes more traditional orders of worship. We use both familiar and newer hymns as part of these services.  


God Give Us Life-In 1983, Lutheran musician Ray McKeever wrote this beautiful creation-and-redemption service. 


Now The Feast And Celebration - This communion liturgy was written by Marty Haugen (author of the Holden Evening Prayer service) and includes a call and response booklet to follow along as well as songs from our Lutheran hymnal. 


Praise and Worship-This worship service is led by our Praise and Worship Band. They use both old-time hymns and newer contemporary Christian songs. It is alive and vibrant. This service takes place generally on the 4th Sunday of the month.


 Holy Communion is offered the first and third Sunday of the month.

All are welcome and invited to take part in the feast of God prepared for the Children of God!


Lent 2025